Historian, Writer, and Muser
Historian, writer, and muser of all things love.
Follower of The Way, and seeker of Common Grace.
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“Dad, why am I so emotional? Do you think there’s something wrong with me? Please tell me it will mellow out as I get older?!”
When we begin to interrogate our patterns of living, and our addiction to busyness, it can be tempting to stay on the surface.
“Why won’t you stop?” my sister said, sending me down a rabbit trail of feelings about why taking a much needed break from work felt so scary. I couldn’t really answer in the moment.
“Maybe if you’d share more of the awful things you’ve dealt with, we’d understand and be able to empathize a bit more!” she exclaimed after I explained why I firmly but kindly drawn a line to shut down a hurtful conversation about race in America.
Home is a place where both tears and laughter can flow freely; where you can let out a deep exhale; a soft place to land, and a place of preparation and gathering strength for whatever is outside the door.
The ‘fatherlessness crisis’ label is overwhelmingly discussed as an exclusively Black and minority communities’ issue. Why?